Make Us One
My lateness to respond to the recent posts was because I wanted to make sure I didn’t give a knee-jerk reaction. I didn’t want to be angry or spinning. I greatly appreciate the positive support we have...
View ArticleI Am Mountain Nominated for a Dove Award!
Gungor is very excited to share that I Am Mountain has been nominated for the GMA Dove Awards' Rock/Contemporary Album of the Year.
View ArticleGungor Live at eTown
Earlier this year, Gungor recorded a live show for eTown Radio. Click the image below to watch the performance or click HERE to listen to the free podcast that also includes William Fitzsimmons.
View ArticleMore Headline Dates for Fall 2014!
New Gungor Tour Dates! We have added even MORE headline dates to the fall tour. Check out the new dates announced below and grab your tickets now! Many of the Headline Show tickets are on-sale now via...
View ArticleLucie Is Light
by: Lisa Gungor Pain is one of those things I don’t like much. I’m sure there are at least a few people who share this sentiment. We’ve all heard the saying “what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.”...
View ArticleWild
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”– Mary Oliver I was not sad to see 2014 go. Quite the contraire, pretty sure I was yelling some choice explicative’s to 2014...
View ArticleBelong
Do you ever feel like you find yourself in social or religious circles that expect you to fit a mold that you just don’t? You’re not alone. On June 15-16, my Liturgist cohort, Science Mike and I...
View ArticleHymn Sing
Hey everybody! As we announced on social media yesterday, we are going to be sending all of our newsletter subscribers a few free hymns over the next week or so. So if you haven’t subscribed yet, do it...
View ArticleOne Wild Life
Ladies and gentleman, it is our pleasure to announce the launch of the most ambitious creative project of our lives thus far: One Wild Life. One Wild Life is a trilogy of three albums--Soul, Spirit,...
View ArticleWhy One Wild Life?
Hey everybody, Michael here. With only 24 hours remaining for your chance to get in on this One Wild Life journey that a bunch of us are embarking on together, I just wanted to personally write to you...
View ArticleOne Wild Life: Soul
"Say it with me class, 'I am a spirit. I have a soul, and I live in a body.’"Christian school taught me that the essence of my personhood was a disembodied spirit-man that was (unfortunately) attached...
View ArticleWhy I stopped trying to 'spread God's fame'
It’s Sunday morning, and I’m sitting in the Houston airport thinking about how many people are gathered right now in this city to worship. And I’m wondering what it is that we all think we are doing.I...
View ArticleLyric Art Contest Winners
The art that you guys created for the Lyric Art Contest was so incredible, we couldn't pick just one. So we chose 3 winners. Congratulations to @davinsart, @lydiaekeroth_ and @hayleybgray!
View ArticleSong Stories: Introduction and lion of rock
Intro/Lion of RockMichael: One of my favorite sounds is that swell of an orchestra tuning itself before a performance. As the individual instruments ring out in their own mildly improvised chaos, a...
View ArticleSong Stories: We Are Stronger
Michael:This song continues the album’s theme so far of one unified existence. Human beings are part of the fabric of reality. We give the universe eyes and prefrontal cortexes to see itself with. Not...
View ArticleSong Stories: Am I
At the end of every question is a question mark. As any parent of a toddler can attest to, there is no question that can be answered all the way down to the bottom."Why is the sky blue?”“Because the...
View ArticleSong Stories: Vapor
(Michael)This song took me over two years to write. For years, doubt was a significant part of my life and my art. While I was able to manage it most of the time, there were times when it was crippling...
View ArticleLast Days in the Desert
Hey everybody, if you saw us on tour this spring, you probably saw that our tour was sponsored by a film by Rodrigo Garcia called ‘Last Days in the Desert.’ The film stars Ewan McGregor, who plays...
View ArticleSong Stories: Hurricane
(Lisa)Our oldest loves this book called “Kiki and Coco in Paris,” a book about a girl and her doll exploring the sites of the ever lovely city of Paris. I keep telling my oldest how one day, if...
View ArticleShake
Gungor has made a lot of serious music. We have searched and bared our souls and out of this have comes songs and stories of faith and doubt, joy and pain, life and death. And with all of that...
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